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Books to be published:
• «Seismic Forecast, a Cosmo-telluric Approach». English
• «Alicia et les Poissons d'Or». French
• «Cosmochromies sacrées, Poèmes et Photos». Multilingual.
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NEW 2024
• Lettres de la Terre à l’Humanité : Signé TaraGeoD •
(Letters from the Earth to Humanity: Signed TaraGeoD)
This book is an address to all citizen of the world, a vibrating plea and an overview with the necessary and urgent spiritual cooperation with Mother Earth, within our living system of interactive consciences.
«I am TaraGeoD, the vibratory conscience of Planet Earth.
I am writing to share the truth of my experience.
And I request that an interactive partnership with the One Humanity be settled permanently, to be able to act together.»
Information on climate change scattered by the scientific community do not differentiate the source of mutations of our planet in its various cycles – among which that of the Sun –, from all human destructive actions at all levels. Their reports exclude the needed adjustments for evolutionary transformations, from which the one that must feed the totality of life in expansion for all kingdoms – the Great Water Cycle –, in absolute necessity to be regenerated in its integrality.
In this perspective, we have the urgent obligation to repair all environment damages with innovative solutions, emerging from old and opaque patterns that do not work anymore.
Continuing to live – with dignity – on our «Blue Planet» requires compliance with the Laws of the Universe, of Life and Nature, to which humans must absolutely adapt, while becoming aware of our immutable cosmic and telluric interdependence.
Let us set out without delay, for there is no more alternative...
Introduction – Statement of Truth – Invocation – Evocations – Great Mantra of Gayatri – Antique Prayer – Prelude
First Letter : Of Evolution
Postulates – The Right Middle Way – The Wheel of Cycles– Science and Spirit – The True Climate Change – A True Partnership
Second Letter : Of Nature
End of a Human Cycle – The Human and Animal Relation : The Wolf to Mind the Geese — The Wolf and the Lamb — Of the Bees’ Society – Environmental Attitudes – The Soli-Lunar Cycles – Agriculture – Farming – Conscious Observations – Solar Cycles – Geo-Engineering and Green Finance – Oceans – Forests – Drought and Desertification – Tectonics and Volcanoes
Third Letter : Of the Climate and the Water
Of the Climate – The Climate Distorsion –The Polluted Atmosphere : Space litter — Greenhouse Gases – Electromagnetic Fields – Psychic Pollution –
Of Water – The Water Citizenship – Water Geostrategies, The state in 2021 – Underground waters – Distributing the «Blue Gold» – Asia – Américas – Europe – Solutions – Update Very Old Techniques for Irrigation – Drinking Water – Circled Economy and Renewable Energies
Fourth Letter : Of the Druid State under Open Heart Leadeship
The Sacred Feminine – The Venus Mystery – Druid State – Magnetism and Science of Energies Application – A new energetic Geography –Geobiophysics and Radiesthesy – The Lecher/Schneider® Antenna Technique – The Heart Kingdom – True Astrology – Children of the New Conscience.
Death as integrating part of Life. The behaviours of everyone facing the passage of transition. Speaking about death with simplicity. With an open heart.
Comprehending that the light of consciousness may relieve sorrows, transform emotions, dry the tears and overcome the fears of heights.
But also, put to death the ego, which pride pleases itself maintaining the satisfaction of personalised illusion.
Initiate the path involving total self-denials, and understand that Life unwinds the succession of experiments, in order to eventually lead to the state of immortality.
An essential book to accompany doubts and quests of the existence, to know oneself, get prepared to the transition in a peaceful manner, and eventually accept that Life is a continual plan of acts of the destiny, leading to the perfection and appropriateness of being.
Price: CHF 25.- / Euros: 25.- (+ mail packaging)
IOHANNIS – CHRISTOS – MAITREYA, The royal ascendance of the Solar Divine
«IOHANNIS – CHRISTOS – MAITREYA, La royale lignée du Divin solaire»
Without knowing the real story of John The Baptist in the time of Jesus, the history of Christianity cannot be established as asserted comprehensiveness. And the way to the Divine cannot flourish for the coming times, if we do not approach the quintessence of the solar Gnosis. That of John, exactly.
Since two thousands years, His unalterable and timeless link has been well hidden to us, deformed, hated and officially denied. It is time to take note of the truth. So beautiful a truth and so simple, that we have very poor record that it is also so near.
Let us be permeated by this Christic Energy, to roll out the carpet of our conscious transformations by the Fire of the heart actions, while opening to more Synthesis. Then only will Maitreya manifest Himself.
Content : The solar Gnosis – The mandean community – The Feminine gnostic – The sacred books of the Mandeans – Origin of the world and duality – The mission of John – The Initiation of Baptism – The cult of the Solar Divine – The Acts of Truth – The advent – The conscious change of paradigm.
In French 2018: Transfered to KAVI Publications, re-publishing with adds.
Last page (translation)
Radiopsychology is the art of understanding life in its globality. It gathers the human being «written» in its biofield, as electromagnetic and etheric interface within environment at large. Its parts are composed of spiritual, mental, emotional fields, the vital body and its functional instrument, the physical vehicle. The notion of biofield is a highly important factor in order to comprehend global health and the future of medicine. To avoid it would refrain from considering how much subtilities of phenomena are linked together. An innovative approach based on the physics of atmosphere, to explain energetic interactions, whose interdependence is essential within the biosphere, within our solar and cosmic system.
Beyond its electromagnetic quantic nature, light is radiation of the human being’s consciousness. This light radiation exists within any of the alive beings, in all kingdoms, to the minutest of the elementary particles of the cells, DNA. There is now some scientific interest to face the fact that quantic void is full of magneto-etherical and gravitationel energy. This book uses experimented facts to study elements that will contribute to open consciousness to the invisible but tangible world – substance – of those information containing the spiritual essence of Life – Akasha (a sanscrit word to explain the universal reservoir of information – and creativity to be manifested.
Content (see details in the French version): Radiospychology – The Biofield – The Biofield of Planet Earth – The Human Biofield – Biofield and Consicousness – Biofield and Horse – Therapeutics of Quantum Electromagnetic Information – Elements of Biophysics – Biological effects of Electromagnetic Fields– Biofield and individual attitude
This health prevention guide suggests a simple approach of the founding principles of AYURVEDA, a many millenary science in India of managing health as well as life philosophy, as written in the sacred Scriptures the Vedas.
To understand one’s own constitution, to detect errors of life hygiene and correct them through deepest knowledge of one’s own globality, as aware committment of sustainable active prevention.
AYURVEDA aims at energetic balance and span of health along existence, with self-realisation as individual target, and contribution to the healing of humanity as a whole.
Price: CHF 25.- / Euros: 25.- (+ mail packaging)
A call for more scientific and political common sense.
A warning as regarding some manipulatory public statements, of which the citizen usually do not know how to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Price: CHF 8.- / Euros: 8.- (+ mail packaging)
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• LES ESSENTIELS, CAHIER V: GEOBIOPHYSIQUE • «Champs électromagnétiques et santé au quotidien»
Abstract: The result of a work in Research and Development ordered by the Service of Electricity, Department of Industrial Services of Lausanne City. The opus aims to respond to the sensitive population questionings, since electrosmog within habitat became a problem. While being attuned to the mentioned health and environmental problems, it tries to give simple scientific and technical solutions. Environmental standards related to health have been issued in conformity with the European Union between 1996 and 2000, before the great study on this subject led by the WHO.
Content :
I. Electromagnetic fields: physics, measures, standards.

II. Medicine and electromagnetic fields
III: Biology and electromagnetic fields 

IV. GeoBiophysics and electromagnetic fields 

V. Means of protection and recommendations
Price: CHF 22.- / Euros: 22.- (+ mail packaging)
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–Abstract: Medical aspects detected and tested by means of scientific radiesthesy used in geobiology. Presentation of energetic problematics and sensitive solutions, to which allopathic academic medicine still does not believe.
–1) What can be expected from protective and neutralizing measures in geobiology ? By Dr. P. Rothdach
Description of the Aschoff blood test / Geomagnetic anomalies / Radioactivity / Protection devices
–2) Electromagnetic function of the human biologic and some dysfunctions. By Dr. Y. Padly
Lecture given on a scientific interdisciplinary roundtable, Lausanne, 1997.
–3) The biofield: energetic human field. Basics on the electromagnetic nature of the human non visible field.
–Price: CHF 22.- / Euros: 22.- (+ mail packaging)
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• GEOGRAFIA SACRA • «SACRED GEOGRAPHY» Lecture given at the Academy of Architecture of the Swiss italian speaking Province, Mendrisio
(published in italian), translations in French and English
Abstract: Sacred geography is mentionned in the sanskrit Vedic Books as Vâastu,and in chinese as Feng-Shui. European druids (or shamans, a Siberian synonym for druid) also practiced this science, as well as christian builders of romanic churches.
To understand those antique techniques of managing the cosmo-telluric space flux and use them to build civil objects is a necessity in order to live in harmony on the planet. A demonstration in situ at the baptisterium of Riva San Vitale, Ticino – a paleochristian monument of the 5th century A.D. still today in perfect state – is described in the booklet, to illustrate the elements of the teaching given to a group of 4th year study in architecture.