Speak about death in great simplicity.
With an open heart.
But also, kill the ego
which pride maintains illusion. And start
the path of renunciations of the self.
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Interference Offence in the Present Time March 2022
This is not a war, indeed. Much worse. The evil spirits of the twentieth century have emerged from the hidden stinking caves, to invade the world’s minds and life of thousands of human beings. An interference offence that shows up in the actuality of outdated mentalities of a geopolitical sick system, that has to be eventually and completely destroyed.
The reason for the actual crisis Russia-Nato in Europe on the Ukrainian territory lies in oldfashioned ways of treating agreements and partnerships between countries.
The need for security is a right. The cost of security lies within each heart. Not with outwards threatenings, weapons and intrusions into liberties.
Thus, security being defended by any kind of weapons is a lure, governed by a so-called «free-will» and determination to dominate others. Thus have Northern hemisphere countries exerted their delusional governing political powers over neighbours, friends, brothers and sisters, citizen during decades. Since centuries, and millenaries.
Ukraine is the historical cradle of the Russian Land !
Ukraine is a sovereign, independent republican country since 1991.
Right now, we assist at the emergence of an unfinished scene of a hidden but alive empire that works through manipulative agreements and dark intentions, remained under the tables since seventy seven years.
All actual actors from all parts of all nations in all continents are cloaked in illusions, and are showing the final shot of the ancient world theater play, before a public who has somehow raised its consciousness to a level invoking benevolence, peace and righteousness.
As we, citizen, claim for equality and equanimity in all relations, the will to balance powers is an absolute need for a real and true cohesion between all.
Let us decree, invoke and participate in the resolution of the present situation, as well as sweep away all wrong intentions and attitudes, to open and cleanse the space for a new world of truth. Thank you for your participation.
Thank you to forward this information as widely as possible.
Viola Victoria Christie
Follows a decree in English only. It is not published on this blog or elsewhere on the internet, due to its highly powerful energy.
Only those who are intentionally committed can utter it without damage.
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End of the Chess Game February 2022
The dangerous chess game is put to an end ! No more adverse parties. No kings, no knights, no way to justify such positions. The rooks’ towers are empty. It remains the Queen of the World. The only one to help two individuals withdrawing from their harmful games of power of an old age. The only onw to help dissolving both their intentions of threatening a fragile planetary balance with such separative arrogance. All this is no more appropriate. This is no more actual, while a real vision of real free relations should work out, according to the general demand.
In a chess game, eager eagles have no place at all. Therefore righteous rules cannot exist at all. The given square surface then disappears into the depths of the dark nether worlds. The bell rings a right time for the adversaries to leave the field of battle, where the atmosphere is poisoned and densified with wrong attitudes and old fashioned mentalities that weigh since much too long now.
The wheel must turn. On one spoke is written MIR. On the facing spoke is written PEACE. On a third onw is written LIBERTY. It is the wheel of the new world, of the new humanity. Which intent is written in letters of fire. So is created the true cohesion of the peoples who whish to live the oneness in a benevolent and sustainable union.
syl-vie touranne
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For 2022 January 1st
We must bear in mind the low ambient weakness through interposed media and the growing anger, that serves nothing but feeding this «known greek alphabet before it extends to one or more letters...»
What we are all experiencing in this period, is the boundless creativity of forces fighting at all costs, to keep some sort of power in front of a light that has gained much strength in all corners of the planet.
As a result of three doses, there is the fourth, then the fifth, etc...
The Greek alphabet has 22 letters, from which two have made the actuality, and the first three, are underlying the past.
So, I tell whoever wants to hear it, carry on absorbing the planned fear, and the alphabet will serve as support for the final solution.
Keep drinking the polluted water from the fountain full of overturned fake news (the mainly common sense people).
Go on ridding yourselves of any responsibility when vaccinated, believing you are invincible, as you continue to convey the virus. Keep listening to scientific experts who manipulate datas they know nothing about and tend to make projections of the worst. Keep on.....
And so, the heart, being the master of immunity, is ousted in favour of profits. No small profit anymore. Just big ones.
The heart, the heart, and still the heart to make BREATHE.
Breathing through the heart. And the lungs will be healed.
The soul is not in question here. It is question of survival. Survival of the heart and survival of life.
And the children of the new consciousness do not have to endure the law of this inappropriate chemistry. It is a crime.
Instead, make the test of the heart. Every day!
Get vaccinated with the energy of the heart. Every day !
Never go to sleep without your heart injection, opened to the glittering stars.
And make 2022, the year of the heart which breathes truly, really, and real truth!
Happy New Year !
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The Tsunami of One-Track-Thinking December 2021
The all-powerful social networks, the helpless medias, the stolen, diverted and redesigned data, for powerful growing interests, the cyberattacks, are all parts of the actual context in which monstruous and polluting waste of information is bathed.
Those are repeated tsunamis that kill the sense of the true communication. A generalized sleepiness of consciousness, through the smartphone technology and other computing devices. For purposes of conspiracy and confusion making, in the cloudy and watchless minds. This occurs in the whole society now. From small children to political decision makers, all, absolutely all goes through electronic channels. In a hodgepodge of informative manipulations, collusions and amalgams. Just contrary to discriminative common sense.
Suffice to note the magic bewitchment of the users, all states combined: vaulted posture, self curled up, hyper-myopia, verbal violence, impatience, continuous nervous irritation, fragmented communication, and above all the jamming of the clear system of thought, where discirmination and awareness are lacking greatly.
Thus, on such a devastating wave, those who are specialists of information are quite borrowed and hung up to do their job of seeking the truth, analysing and writing. To survive, the medias display the whole of their so-called litterature on the hyper-emotional mode, and very trendy, on the mode of the accounting mode of science, that is most often approached in the margin, for they notably misknow the themes, more and more sophisticated as it must be said. The impatient throwaway culture goes and get the news in a counter-productive hurry.
And then, it is when arrives an epidemic, to be treated wisely with common sense and discriminative medical means at large scale, that the medias grab it from all sides. They blow it away in the least corners of the planet, and make it a huge pandemic instead. On behalf of official institutions, that are corrupted by the high finance and random directionism, of a totalitarianism that has become single thinking. This is veiled through spilled information, by an army of powerful incompetents, some of which – many indeed – make disgorging millions of «amoral test-tubes», where dark hatreds blacken, what should be the quintessence of divine light that contains the whole of cosmic seeds...
So goes the present world, on this mega devastating wave of the one-track thinking. The world-wide population is caught into a vicious grip and hostage, that stops any evolution, by the grand masquerade of primal fears, and hearts that wither away and dry out in front of the vastness of complicities that imprison us.
But, it is precisely those strong hearts, who are self-watering and maintain the opening of the dazzling petals through the will to radiate integral health, that justice, ethics and free creative thinking will deliver to the world its resurrection, resilience, and healing, with all true interior peace, that is the greatest remedy –and the very first on the list – of individual and collective immunity.
Thus, the wave of creation, the enlighted co-creation within each one may live, exist, with full identification with its instrinsic source of universality and masterful cohesion that is called DNA!
Sylvie Touranne
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The True Virus January 2021
From the external causes exhibited earlier (see below), let us come to the internal causes. For the truth on the Covid-19 pandemic necessitates to become acquainted with it, then to become aware of it in order to stop it. No vaccine will be at disposal for this truth, but the individual interior effort to neutralise the virulence.
The worm is in the apple.
May the governing leaders understand well what they are doing with their power of decision: devitalise, destroy, ripping the vigilant and discerning minds of those who strive day after day to heal, seek and highlight for the society (without success) the true information about the existence of the virus.
In the name of public health, the leaders ignore, or pretend so, that they are involved in the ultra-negative way to think about the situation. They refer to the gloomy lights of the actual medico-pharma supra-system, which research protocols and vaccine applications are becoming an... «epidemic» catastrophy of nonsense.
May citizen understand that all are interdependent drops of the worldwide thought ocean, which became so acid, that their verbal reactions are what render the whole Earth so ill. And I perfectly know that you are going to blame me for what I say in this article, as part of this negativity. But the truth has sometimes nothing beautiful or good, when it comes to bring out to the light secrets and other obscurantisms, maintained in the shadow of the pursued mirages within the alcoves of the single and formatted thought.
The worm is in the apple.
The worm is the virus. The apple is the stone-heart or what exist in it, treating information with intention. Overinformation. Disinformation. Non-information. A poison that became automatic, for a pschic epidemy of the mentalities ! Hearts are poisoned. Indeed.
And then quite serious: children, still without formation of their thought, but their aspiration to the beauty of the universe and their pure magic dreams, can hear and listen to all what is said. And they necessarily believe the adults around them. Today they catch the virus and become sick. Do you get the message ?
Do the adults – those virtualised people and technological recipients – really understand their responsibility? No, they sleep with their heads down into the smartphone. Children are left behind ! Their education, or what should be so, is absent. Transmission of life values and common sense is absent. Teachers are being targeted with outbursts of anger from parents, when their child does not get the expected result. How arrogant !
A huge impact upon the whole society. It goes through the social networks with outbursts of hatred, critics, prejudice and other spilled violences for free. The more the number of negative messages sent, the more the thought pollution results in an exponential increase of clouds of suspended particles in the atmosphere. For, yes, since decades, fear, hatred, violence, anger and other negative feelings of revolt have become the «spikes» of those emotional and mental viruses, scattered through the exhaling air of your words, in all given situations of daily life. And then, with a high rate of susceptibility an impulsivity, thick layers of revenge and more are put back in the air. To get sick and nauseous really.
Yes, the Covid-19 is a psycho-emotional virus of the human population, dispensed by the waves of «technologized emotions» ! When a global collectivity is so frightened, the fact is spread out widely and becomes epidemic. This is precisely the reality of this pandemic of psychic energy that contaminates the mentalities! Because what medicine does not take into account (it would be time!) is the psychic and emotional origin of the immune system weakening. ALWAYS. (Here are not mentioned the individual diseases that have complicated the situation. And it is very likely that taking into account those co-factors, a wide number of people might have been saved !)
And no, for this virus, there is no possible vaccine. No matter what we are told, whatever we are required to do through blackmail, the true vaccine is in ourselves ! You read it right !
So, just have a thought for the two millions and more of dead in the world. And you will have some kind of cartography of the emotional individual attitudes of fear that presided to the departure of most of them. Not all really.
The example of the British variant of the virus is no coincidence. It has become more virulent and spreads out very quickly. The cause ? The psychic state of negative expectation of an exhausted population by the Brexit, that eventually has been endorsed after years of procrastination. Much before the pandemic, the impact on the British population’s thought had first created multiple projections on economic, social, political, cultural effects and uncertainties. The Brexit once installed, created a heavy psychological cloud of negative attitudes in all the society, added on information about the pandemic. And more, the atmospheric pollution as well as the cold and damp season convey more quickly all the phenomena, above all in the crowded cities. But the most important aspect is indeed represented by a huge psychic void in the people’s mind, whatever their position in the society. Therefore, a vision of the future is still but void. For the moment.All these upheavals are destabilizing the fragile equilibrium.
So, to comment on the situation becomes useless. Never more than now is it essential to refocus on necessities, rather than desires (purely emotional). Give meaning to everything becomes the positive attitude to develop with the heart impetus.
Simultaneously, make an inner effort to change mentality and thinking by mastering the word, try to see clearly in each individual situation with benevolence towards oneself and the others. And let the heart speak the qualities of solidarity and active brother-sisterhood to bring out the essence of real Life.
Then and only then, masks become useless. For smiling to others becomes the heart cooperating support for true relationships. And those «smartphonic uses» are relagated to their original tool place for essential transmissions, instead of reactive addictions that often become immoral and perverted.
Thus will the best of our inner self will be able to express in others. And solutions will take place vividly, when we will take the measure of our outdated selfishness. Verily.
Breathe deeply in full consciousness, this is how the heart can open to the Beautiful, the True, the Good, the unique values that enable to live free.
syl–vie touranne
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From the Effects to the Causes January 2021
On the previous article from August 2020 « Giant Storm Climate», the effects of the new coronavirus-Covid-19 were refered to upon the whole population. But with the actual second wave into which all precipitates, between exponential increase of positive cases, virulent and rapid mutations of the virus, and access to vaccines (quite illusively victorious), what about the causes of manifestation of the virus on the surface of the planet?
So far, we should refer to medias (again) that geopoliticise the situation everywhere, influence the governmental decisions, from the so-called medical experts, whose chain is manipulated by investments of the highest finance, that form a ghetto of hyper-powers extending like multiple octopus arms in all directions.
And let us keep well aware on the political blackmail that develops everywhere, in order to reverse the statistic tendency of the high number of the vaccine refusing, and imposing freedom restrictions always heavier to the populations, without any medical deontology nor respect of the free will of everyone.
But in itself the virus does not care.
Therefore, it must be understood the reason for its existence within the planet life and indwellers. What we need to know first is that all viruses, bacterias or germs have their origin deep into the soil. Those are embedded and keep dormant since thousands of years, and can resurface if the ground soil is mistreated.
We know that the new coronavirus comes from a bat, which existence is rather special: insectivorous, it lives in the darkness of caves and grottos with warm and constant temperature, and goes out for food at night thanks to its sonar. One of the rare living beings who cannot bear sunlight. What a symbol. Its immune system is so strong, that the animal conveys through the air and the close promiscuity of their groups, all kinds of germs, viruses and bacterias without any damage for itself, but with a high rate of infection to other mammals, as well as humans of their vicinity. It all started by studying the immune system of the bat in a lab, to promote new vaccines for enhancing the human immunity.
But let us go back to the source. In recognising the global climatic change, we must emphasize the major destruction of the terrestrial soils through high rates of deforestation, fires, desertification, extensive over-production of agriculture, dominated by industries with huge profits and only through possible returns with genetic manipulations and other chemical chains, pesting the general biodiversity of our feeding Earth. Not to mention the promiscuity of human dead buried bodies for religious reasons. Or others. (cf. «De morts en lumières de vie» - From Deaths to Life Lights, Kavi Publications). This is the way that new viruses like Ebola or HIV – they are indeed not new – have propagated. And old viruses like measles, whooping cough or mumps are still active.
Then, it seems that the message becomes obvious if we resume all the elements as analogies that superimpose themselves. And also, if we refer to the scandalous deforestation of the Amazonian Forest, which Brazilian mutation of the virus is quite certainly the prime reason.
The existence of the virus Covid-19 contains a very important message given to the whole humanity, may one be a positive or negative case. For it originates in Nature who says «stop».
Stop to all these destructive human behaviours, disrepectful of life itself. Stop to those cumbersome habits of the past of all the human collectivity, wherever. Whence the pandemic.
But we keep burying ill bodies with the virus for those who follow monotheist religions, instead of cremating them ! Nature does not like it and lets it be known. How ? By resurgence of the virus, and in a couple of months or years, by pollution of the soils from the buried individuals with the vaccines’ chemicals used agains this virus. The snake bits its tail. Instead of turning the wheel of life.
For the wheel of life has entered through the portal of the equinoxial precession into the Aquarius Era for about 2000 years, since last December 21, 2020. And this era carries in itself the self-conscious and and self-curable of the human health system, which viral and infectious diseases represent the Achille’s heel of the populations who live in promiscuity and lack of hygiene. And by it we mention the western way of life mainly. Also here, we mostly mention the energetic hygiene as the art of the right behaviour, respectful, integral within the Alive, that dominates by far the physical hygiene requested for stopping the propagation of the virus within the society.
Thus, the Covid-19 virus has an essential role to play in our lives, through planetary hyper-synchronicity, for which we have to take note quickly and at all levels, and cease to resist to anchored habits within a ground that rejects them definitevely.
The paradigm shift is this too.
Welcome to the new humanity.
syl–vie touranne
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Giant Storm Climate August 2020
A host invited itself to the climatic changes, that suddenly erased them at once. A nano-host. So powerfu to cause a giant storm. Quite awkward.
So, we again speak of the corona virus.
At half-step away from the corona chakra, that determines the degree of consciousness, and therefore illumination of whom knows how to think, or believes so. Coincidentally, the Covid-19 tests are made into the nasal superior cavities, half-step away from the front chakra, that determines the state of thinking of whom knows how to think, or believes so. Coincidentally, a mask is imposed, that refrain us to speak, to smile and to live. For all good reasons from whom governs, no sorry, from whom reigns over the unique thinking through the mask of fear. Life-size mascarade and threatening manipulation at world scale. The giant storm drowns in a glass. Not really in water, but in pollutions: politic(al), technocratic, mediatic, «computic»... Kind of tick bites for ethic stings...
With millions of «positive cases», with hundreds of thousands dead, with billions of dollars of investments for «medical depathologisation», in reality, general sleeping infringes into our existences like streaks of gunpowder. And if you have good memory – still? – powder has been invented in China long long ago. From gunpowder to powder-smokescreen there is only one step. Wake up citizen !
The struggle is a fight for democracy !
The muzzled democracy ! If ever you had not noted it yet.
The mask is that of total, complete, general absence of democratic debate. With forced restrictions imposed on our fundamental freedoms.
Medical researchers, epidemiologists and scientists are in the watch list.
Politicians, decision makers, leaders, partisans are in the watch list.
Finance rulers, so-called humanitarian investors who «offer» plenty to provide vaccines are in the watch list too.
Citizen, know that your smartphones contribute to the virus proliferation ! It hides in your own datas (like a computer virus...), that you transmit through the means of the 3G – 4G – 5 G antennas, that altogether densify, and ignite the atmosphere dramatically, at the same time you send your messages, inflammatory or not. This technology of radiation is far, very far from the radiance of consciousness !
Citizen, know that the scientific source for the Covid-19 consequences is called a cytokinic storm, that causes a hyper-reaction of the immune system into an inflammatory overdrive.
Let us keep scientific and say loudly what epidemiologists and doctors know but keep away from stating: cytokins are proteinic signals of the immune system. They are organised in communication networks. Does that speak to you ? Sometimes, communication is so much intensified – does it still speak to you ? – that the cell signals trip over each other, entangle in overdrive. As a result, an inflammatory climatic change is created within the immune system, which rebels into a giant storm. The response to the fireing and confused communication, is a huge immunitarian defence that manifests, and mostly alters the respiratory functions.
What is there to reverse and re-normalise the cell communication: to be healed with natural means like homeopathy (remedies exist since centuries for all known steps !) and cut down the biological agents producing enormous quantities of catharr and mucus in the respiratory tracts, by absorbing anti-oxydants, vitamins of the B,C,E groups in higher doses. Eat healthier vegetables and fruits. And breathe pure air. An air that you will have swept out from all fake message pollutions, with a purified state of thinking. What a programme.....
Citizen, know again that no vaccine at all can protect you from the organised stupidity, based on fear of the disease they want you to carry ! Know that a virus can be manipulated in a lab. And therefore can be maintained alive for decades in any biological organism. Know that any vaccine can MASK any kind of manifestation of a given virus ! For years. This then, will make you really sick....
Is that what you wish?
Citizen, you are now really informed. Remove the masks of your sleepy consciousness. Wake up!
Stop over-communicating virtually, for saying void and nothing.
Exchange benevolent messages in direct and simple relationships.
This virus is not nonsense at all: it requires from every world indweller to pinpoint the essentials of true life. Reality and integrity.
This is the true immunity.
sylvie touranne
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The Racism of Anti-Racism May 2020
The raw racism responding to anti-racism of worlwide demonstrations that followed the death of George Floyd, is a barbarian law that is contrary to the original claim.
A raised fist as opposition sign of Black Lives Matter. We all watched it at the Olympics of Mexico in... 1968. The same year as the assasination of Reverend Martin Luther King in Unitede States. Naught has changed since. Or so little. In this country that claim to be the champion of democracy and gives lessons in all the world through military and police violence, it is indeed very very paradoxical.
Residing for a while in the embassies’ area of the capital, I walked out one morning of 1989, I should say I tried to walk out to reach my office. Impossible. A barbed-wire fence was installed before the entry door of my building. And four policeman (!) on the back of a man down. Everyone with who a knee on the neck, who on the back, and the legs. The man, a Kurd. At short distance of the Turkish Embassy. A so-called PKK revolutionary. Not good at all for the image of the given country. We are in Switzerland... Country of the direct democracy (sorry no, semi-direct democracy: this changes quite many things !).
London, Parliament Square Westminster, 2020. The very centre of the British Government. Clusters of people, held signs and noisy shouts. The demonstrators smear and try to tore down the bronze statue of Winston Churchill. One of the actors, if not the most important, of the Liberation from World War II. Quite far from the primary claims of requested dignity by the Black Lives Matter. Those who, since so long, have been considered under-humans of second-class, because their skin colour have placed them in history into the registry of slaves.
So much of mixing up the targets of anti-racism. Which way do we go ? Who are the populations’ herds who ignore so stupidly all of the effective course of the world ? Who are the individuals who manipulate the minds of those kinds of sheep, that indeed are deemed to be gregarious for they have no individual discrimination ?
Again and again, taking credit for ideas, ideals, by groups of extremists focused on the past and grabbing powers that they believe they have the right to express through educationless masses. Very very serious indeed. For, in name of freedom of expression, freedom of rally, freedom of considering errors of the past, all is dumped in the public square with no consideration and with violence. But which Liberty are we speaking about?
The young in spirit, in lucidity, in discrimination, but not quite in age, who exchange through the social networks increasingly deviant ideas, master strictly nothing of the images, sometimes, often (?) subliminally received through all media combined.
Therefore, the key to behaviour is mainly violence and revolt, visceral hatreds, and mixing up all kinds of subjects. Just to show off anger against authorities. With no self-responsibility and creation of solutions.
It would be wise to question these excesses at school. It would be wise that teachers spend some time to set the records straight of the principles of civility ! It is about time ! But are they able to do it ?
For, to watch toring down statues, and that of Christopher Columbus in particular in many places of USA, significantly shows the basic stupid ignorance of who really was the historic man, but above all His true intention divinely inspired, that enable the whole world of that time (and not ours today - for demonstators...), to discover the existence of a spherical planet, dwelled by multiple differences, human, geographical, biological, cultural and cosmic. So please, do not attribute to Christopher Columbus what others who escorted Him have done. And let us set the record straight of the planetary evolution, of which He has been the conscious actor for the posterity !
Complaining for complaining and put any of the cursus in a dead-end is not intelligent, absurd and waste of time. Whatever the target, the topic. But it is true that inertia of the politicians, decision makers, so-called philosophers who get back down to work on past values, discredit them fundamentally. The hour has come to work in the present time, when the new awareness of the society loud and clear claims for inclusivity, equality, unity and benevolent cohesion of the whole humanity, and get rid of the fed deaf and blind separativity of the powers that be.
For, all kinds of manipulations, whatever their origin, have ALWAYS as unique source the emotional and mental polarisation of planned and separative dualities of those who keep sitting on their obsolete powers.
This always goes through two carriers of choice: fear at every level, and the word through ones’ hat. A cocktail of ideas and ideals, point of departure for violence(s). In all corners of (in)human relations... What a picture...
The coming summer shall be grey and cool in the sky that loads with clouds of eagerness. But it will be hot and congesting in the heads of whom ought to imperatively call into question priorities, responsibilities, blindnesses, in order to transform and take into account the totality and effectiveness of the ineluctable laws of motion of human society, that is right relations, driven by consciousness, compassion and if possible divine impersonal hearty action to offer everyone, for all.
sylvie touranne
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The cartel of masks May 2020
Since a couple of months, it is concealed that life goes on. Fear has invaded all. But also brilliant intelligence of those who believe how and what to think. Above all in those who use their power. White collars, white coats or white tee-shirts, it doesn’t matter. You probably noticed that those who use their power do not wear masks.
A sign.
There are those who say that we are at war. And they are right. But it is not the one they think about. The weapon: a nuclear bomb. But it is not the one they think about. A mini-bomb indeed, this virus. And against that, within the coordination system a maxi-defence, that is called in biology the immune system. It behaves as an army of units called the white cells. Super armies indeed. With far too many staffs, to eradicate a tiny squatting agent within our life habits organisation. It is true that the agent is manipulated by targeted directions, and therefore, at one moment is rebelling, infiltrating the system to play the hidden spy and undermine the course of habits. Except that habits, again, are not those we think about. And as a result, it is generating a storm, a huge hurricane, in those individuals who are driven by fear(s). The fear of climate change ? Yes, for example. Mostly, the fear to change. The fear to love. Really. And, there are those who take profit of the situation. And then in response, the super armies are over-multiplying. For the commanding generals have ordered it. Mmmh yes, order ! How do generals give orders ? They transmit information. Yes, information. And disinformation.
«Fake new» indeed.
Well, generals who give fake news to their armies ? When we are truly intelligent and use power correctly and wisely, don’t we lock those generals up, in jail, confined ?
Here is the tiny history of our actual health reality, that no one understands so far. The medical system in first line. The economical system in second line. The political system in third line. And all those useless generals, who are part of all the systems...
Let us go back: the virus attacks the immune system. Individuals whose immune system has weaken are much more seriously affected. The usual medical protocols of intensive care do not work. Some people under ventilators get better and suddenly die. It is not normal. In facts, the immune system is hyper-reacting. That is called a cytokinic storm. So, the disease and death are due to the system that strangely reacts too strongly AND NOT TO THE VIRUS ! A hurricane ! It produces too many macrophage cells (the information orders), that in turn produce armies of white cells. Way too many for handling the situation. And eventually disinform and disintegrate the whole of the immune system.
And there, vaccination becomes useless !!! Even, contrary.
What should be tried is to enclose the cells creating the hyper-reaction, in order to handle its action. A vaccine cannot do it. But the habits of economic competition of the existing system resurface, of which the outrageous amounts are but waste of time and of misplaced money.
The macrophage cells that send information-disinformation to white cells, are provoking an information overload of the immune system, which will then proliferate and over-react. This way of doing is exactly matching the reality of the actual system of all kinds of MEDIAS, where daily disinformation dwells in the mental sphere of each user, through all kinds of networks and all technologies.
For what concerns the Coronavirus-Covid-19, it does not care about the current systems: medical, economic, mediatic, statistic.... And therefore the principal information becomes: stop all those outdated systems, to let the space for new ones, where each individual will have his/her real place of responsible citizen, with full respect for their liberties and the universal laws that handle all criteria on Planet Earth.
sylvie touranne
PS: Homeopathy that works as a system of therapeutic treatments based on information, has always aimed at solutions of harmonization and rebalance of the global human system, biological, emotional, mental, spiritual.
Those implemented since the beginning of the crisis by the centre Yamanda R.A. give probing and effective results of healing.
For healing and counselling, please write to: yamanda.ra@vtx.ch
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Coronavirus-Covid-19 crisis: the inner meanings May 2020
Such a crisis has somehow brought a similar amount of destruction in the world, as what has been lived during WW II. This is no coincidence.
If we ponder upon astrology of synthesis (Occidental/tropical-Vedic/sidereal), we can easily notice how heavy the skies have discharged their energies to the earth living beings during the last months. Between death and recovery. Between fear and despair. Between irresponsibility and sense of purpose. Between solidarity and tolerance.
In fact, it prepared since a couple of years, as Saturn in Capricorn has come home in December 2017, after some 30 years cycle. And we know that Saturn is the Lord of Karma.
Whereas for the mysterious Pluto, its cycle being 248 years, we had little knowledge for its behaviour in the sign Capricorn (it was discovered in 1930 when in the zodiacal Cancer, opposite to Capricorn in the years following the great depression of 1929, and those preparing WW II). A huge underground energy, inversely porportional to its size, that shakes all life on Earth, to get rid of the old. Following its cycle and specific qualities, we notice that it entered the zodiacal sign Capricorn in November 2008, right after the financial crisis peak, that left the world to its knees.
This means that speaking about finance, economy and money, is part of that karmic plan brought up to the light. And financial personal interests can easily inflitrate institutions, to show off some domination and control. Not only. Political behaviours are trying to develop into some sorts of blackmails, sabotaging the democratic liberty values on behalf of the situation. When others try their best, to organise different strategies for the sake of their populations.
Subsequently, Saturn joined Pluto in Capricorn during 3 months: those when the coronavirus exploded openly on the surface of the earth, from mid December 2019 to mid February 2020. A period of general karmic destruction of what no longer serves in the society. This brings some space for different structures to come out, in order to ogranise a new society, more responsible, more mature and more compassionate. Much work indeed.
Then, Jupiter entered the close aura of Pluto about mid March until about next mid May 2020, period when the lockdown of the populations took place throughout the planet. The three planets together are tearing down many things. These very rare planetary positions in the zodiacal sign Capricorn (which is a door to illumination), and packed in a clusterum of very strong energies – the three of them did not occur in the last 10 millenaries – show very powerful cosmic actions that will be useful for the sake of big changes among humanity. Much work indeed, with alert consciousness if possible. Which is still very far from manifesting.
The presence of Pluto in Capricorn has a double facet. A positive force that necessitate to change old habits definitively. Within all the society: first in politics where dual partisanship and high levels of lobbying corruption within governments are evident. Then, to achieve the collective passage of humanity towards a more spiritual way of life, sharing the true values of the heart.
Pluto shows a real tendency to destroy those crystallised situations to be able to start anew.
However, the dark side is never far away. What we face in this period of coronavirus shows secret manipulations of any kind that give to the fake news some golden time and power....
Strangely, wearing a mask to protect from the virus, means in reality «stop talking to say nothing» ! In a society seeking transparency, the mask shows a barrier against the truth. But such a synchronicity also gives a clear sign: it means «get inside Your Self, and listen to your Master’s Voice on how to change mentality, habits, unlock energies for reconnecting with the good, true, and beautiful side inward, and think about new happy, hearty projects for the next decades».
With Saturn home in Capricorn, the power of Pluto is multiplied into collective values, hidden behind a mask
(again !) that must be reversed into transformation at all levels. Then, and only then should end the great «masquerade» of all dominations, that so many expose publically.
Indeed, China is involved in plutonian energies. This country still carries vivid energies and habits from a very old civilisation, that some have called Atlantis. And we know that Atlantis has been destroyed for the wrong use of the highest powers. Closing the door to spiritual expansion and numb the conscience into a long sleep, that slowly is re-awaking in this peculiar period. Those old habits now repeat under our eyes, not only in China, but in many other places of our planet ! Beware.
If we understand numerology, the words «coronavirus» and «coronavirus-Covid-19» both have a value of 11, or double one, which perfectly fit the energies of the First Ray in Pluto and Capricorn. The will to change, the will to purify, the will to destroy in both ways, for the good and for the evil. The latter usually being the first, on the point of view of the dual humanity (11/1 + 1 = 2), the lowest energy significance. Until emergence of the will to balance, that eventually brings some enlighted serenity and a new sense to life. This is for the future.
The master number 11 also shows in chinese terms the Tao or enlighted equilibrium between polarities of yin and yang. That chinese Masters of the past like Lao-Tseu and Tshuang-Tseu offered to the world as theit best wisdom. But the world, is not aware of it yet.
But what is the concern about those information and the virus crisis?
We must consider that crisis as an instrument of the Life Conscience, that precipitated, physically, emotionally, mentally, every single part of our understanding in a kind of inner earthquake, in order to shake us enough and create a general destabilization within the society. To make us understand that we have been going too far. Imagine one of the smallest living being turning off all the society’s funtioning. What a power ! Well, humanity kept going into seeking the unbridled quest of material possessions, despite claims and invocations for equality and balance, sharing and friendliness in the world.
Exclusive selfish satisfaction and desires should eventually be replaced by discriminative needs and deeds. Inventing a new world, more enlighted, more spiritual, more linked with the Divine, with heart values, is what requires the master number 11 to enter wholly into the Aquarius era, represented by this sacred number.
Returning to Pluto and the energetic clusterum of planets also show us a sort of underground oxymoron behind the very small living entity that shakes everyone. It is given by those who tend to manipulate all the world with old behaviours that carry the power of domination: Big Brother(s) are present at every corner with pockets full of money and worse, they are guiding decisions makers and medical protocols. The wave of destructions is like a tsunami that reverberates in the medias, unable to discriminate the wheat from the chaff. And winds of negativity, of panic among the populations are hard to remove. Producing some deleterious atmosphere with clouds of anxiety.
We must therefore learn and acknowledge how those energies are working, when humanity arrives at a point of no return, before it would destroy itself with the help of material vision, material behaviour, material habits in all domains of the society. Material politics tending to totalitarianism. Material economy and finance with power sharks who play humanitarian donators with childful discourses and boundless ambitions. Material science with high amounts of manipulated results. Material robotic humanity.
The actual situation is serious enough to allow irreversible damages to the planet and its diversity of lives. In this condition of unpredictable slide towards complete destruction, SAVING THE PLANET FROM CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT the principal goal.....for the Earth does not need humanity to save itself. We have the possibility to verify it in all natural environments, in all corners of the world during the lockdown ! No traffics, may they be of vehicles or people, less noise.. And more birds’ life and chants, more nature’s beauties and recoverings, more purity and peaceful places everywhere. The climate change is here, and it is just part of the deal for our future.
But SAVING HUMANITY AGAINST ITSELF IS THE MAJOR GOAL. To remove all kinds of pollutions, and enter the reality of sharing essentials. During this coronavirus crisis, some are sacrificing their lives. Patients, doctors, nursing practictioners. Some others die from wrong medical protocols in hospitals, and wrong medication (many patients have developed respiratory distress from psychic stress, while being admitted within hospital services) ! From a health crisis it has become a crisis of information, and above all a huge crisis of fear among all populations and institutions that empties all substance of common sense.
The coronavirus situation, having a deep impact on everyone’s health – wether sick or not, wether rightly or wrongly cured – , it first brings a serie of questions about the measures taken by medical experts and political decision makers.
First of all, we see that information has been confused, hidden, fake, resulting in destabilizations. Then, we see that scientific expertise has been confused too, and reduced to almoste nothing. Next, emergencies conducted to irrational behaviours in hospitals. And many front doctors worked with wrong protocols, at odds with what they could assess with their own common sense. Then, came the political decision makers, who barely could make up their minds after contradictory public statements, and wanted to publically put on brave face. And last but not least, epidemiologic statistics that showed a sort of competition of figures in the medias, were giving the best idea of their management of the crisis. Only speaking about the amount of cases and the deads. Where have been the information assessing the high amounts of cured people ? Nowhere....
Wether the virus had been created with genetical modified DNA of bats (mammals so close to us !) in a lab, wether a wrong lab manipulation let it escape from where it had to be kept under high security, wether old reports in the 70’s have already predicted the epidemy for this year, wether it occurred in one country or another one, the pandemic is truly installed, as true as the influenza every year, with much less numbered cases and deaths.
So, the next question is: what is the true meaning of this full-scale «masquerade» ? Who is behind ?
A possible answer comes from the the actual obscene spendings of many billions by a few, for vaccine research and worldwide frightening vaccination, that could contain substances far from curing, but indeed destroying everytime more the human immune system. Offering those amounts of manipulated stock exchange figures to naive governments and institutions shows planning over the long term on raid worldwide power domination. For these few are «generously» infiltrating governmental institutions financially, with no medical knowledge whatsoever. Big Deal. And Big Money, from Big Data, and Big Brother(s). So is the synthesis.
Big Danger indeed. If we, citizen are not aware enough. We already collectively struggle against certain loss of freedom. And we, citizen are not considered citizen anymore. When bringing cure solutions (homopathy is truly unexpensive, so truly unimportant...) for the hospitals services, and for the ill individuals with means that exist since long.
Then, in this time of deep destabilisation, please wake up ! And let us invite ousrselves to truly reverse the whole situation with «breathing hopefulness, breathing bright ideas for the sake of all, breathing friendliness and compassion to all, breathing solidarity, breathing freedom, breathing heart action with love and harmony». And let apart the old warlike aggressivities of wrong behaviours.
Then, a new civilisation, aware of good will to do good, can really develop new ways of dealing on a more enlighted planet, with more spiritual achievements on a daily level for all, without condition.
sylvie touranne
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A possible humanity's resurrection ? March 2020
A micro-organism born somewhere from a human attitude with unworthy intentions has imprisoned the world on both banks of a life river, to which are however stowed the pillars of a bridge to be crossed. Although the one before the majority is still veiled with some unconsciousness. So it is, that the virus has done its effect. From absolute control of everyone’s action through warlike governmental injunctions and financial manipulations. To freedom of movement of everyone’s freewill. And carrying on building success on exacerbated individualism through oversized egos.
The virus of fear, should we say the virus of all fears, is inherent to those behaviours based on separative polarities of interior breaks, that mainly demand to divide and rule. When we aren’t able to let it go. When we can’t escape attachements towards the material element that we embrace with all our strength. When we keep afloat, in the current of the whole cash redeemable, eventhough at this peculiar meeting when the holy breath of an open heart offers you the sign of a shared unity and compassion !
That is quite exactly without counting (!), taking into consideration the realities that frighten some till hysteria. But carry the others – in consciousness – into phenomena written in fire letters in the pure skies of a very special springtime.
To those who have crossed over the suspension bridge, inspite of dangerous rhythms of stormy winds, by individual challenging in search of harmonic balance, the normality of the actual situation lays beyond doubt. More, it foreshadows a new movement, hopefully, where the individual citizen sense of responsibility for the whole collective blends with solidarity that aims to be exchanged into all corners of the society, with respect of differences shared with the widest competences for the welfare of all.
Above all, this disease that isn’t one really, but a serious crisis of suffocation from general dysfunctional mentalities and minds pollution across all the planet, that does not bear anymore such unintelligent sleepy behaviours, this crisis eventually invites us to learn to breathe with the heart, that should open to the worlds of the invisible spirit, revealing the multiplied truth by manyfold factors. Understand if you can.
When the absurd measure of separative isolationism will be taken from governmental press conferences, organised on account of the fear of statistics calculated in their own services, then many populations will end in a forced laugh from their lack of creative courage, to comprehend that life on this planet is organised and managed by micro-organisms everywhere. And the fear of death, officially declared by the authorities, relayed in huge and monstruous destructive echoes by the medias throughout the world, will come to its place as indeed been a very bad adviser. «Fake new» so to say. And lies of every kind. But hard to fault those who keep alive the habits of the ultimate taboo of an absolute end, being caught in the net of egos in needs of truth. And so, as medical staffs do their jobs to maintain life at all costs, (why do they not use simple ionisers creating negative oxygen atmosphere with the technology of electric «Corona Effect» (!) is again a lack of knowledge, awareness and to the lower cost of a great solution for the actual situation of the sick), they work in a system of a highly sophisticated technological automatisation, quite far from the very human epitome. While illusory scientific manipulations for saving vaccinations are worked out since decades. At each epidemic, at each pandemic (about one every decade or 15 years since the creation of the vaccine more than a century ago) «humanitarian» personalities engage huge amounts for the researches, quite well directed. Then the trap closes on organisations none less than official, that multiply illusory statements without any conviction of the reality, as it is not experienced.
Let us wonder when consciousness will enlighten those takeovers of industries that kill with no shame and no cure ?
Too much hygiene kills hygiene.
Social distance is an absolute benefit of energetic hygiene, in order to understand that human relations have become a highly polluting interference, when unsconscious individuals – the majority – behave worse than animals when they travel in the streets with no respect and no individual hygiene (sorry all true), take the public space for personal use, entertain by loud speaking, smoking, noises and not music, at the side of those who have become light beacons within the society, in complete anonymous state.
Well, real life isn’t that. Real life is to be protected. With means of awake individuals who are aware of being part of the group called humanity.
And, eventually, death is part of life. And not the opposite.
It is a transition from one state to another one. Consciously.
Physical material death, clinical, often becomes energetic light.
And every individual death in this planetary crisis is a sacrifice on the cross of collective unconscience.
Soon we will celebrate Easter.
Are we going to gather energetically in all corners of the world, in the name of Christ masterfully resurrected in the almighty dazzling light of the divinity, experienced on the ground of a planet to be rejuvenated with compassion, empathy and true brotherhood ? In the name of Christ lived in the heart opened, permeating a transfigurated DNA by the life eternal ?
Or are we going to be locked down in our delusional certainties, our failed acts, our forward leaps and degenerated fears, transgressing the energy of cohesive love that heals the least cell of all ills and deviances ?
May this compulsory freeze frame of a world at waste will find urgently the path of the bridge to cross, with the courage to leave, without looking back, passed old habits on the bank behind, and start the way that opens before us, enlighted by the true beauty of a reconciled humanity.
Love one another.
Keep the distance is so much better.
sylvie touranne
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The New Coronavirus and the Old System February 2020
A coronavirus is one that makes us sneeze and get a cold. It clings to the immune cells to tell us that our immediate environment contains one or more toxics, that we must best deal with, in order to prevent the system runaway into various more serious symptoms.
Well, as corona or other designation, a virus – anyone – has a particular function in the Alive. Along with the bacteria too. This function does not vary, never. That is the very «raison d’être» of those particles: they give information. That is why they squat some cells in attempting to modify the DNA, master of our organism’s information system.
Since the DNA of the cells’ heart is a reservoir of genetical imprints, not so perfect sometimes, which energy is magnetic, the original information can be attracted or repelled by the virus, according to a process directed by the supraconscience (unconscious) of the individual.
Therefore, we can say that a virus is a vector for purification, for transformation, for modification of the organism, that little by little will change the existence of the person. And his evolution within Life.
This is a description of the existential nature of a virus.
Except that, unfortunately, since food pasteurizing, and excessive vaccination that became technological and full of hard metals (aluminium, mercury,...), the general world system of public health sits on railways governed by medico-pharmaceutical industries, which target is the increasing world population, and the basic objective, turnovers that raise continuously and net benefits ever more astronomical. To achieve those goals, they use means that are quite simple: to strike fear at all levels of the society. First through medical protocols. Then within governments. Next through the medias that relay fear by handlings words in a very dangerous manner. And eventually through the populations, whose some unworthy citizen, driven today by their morbid fears and deviating minds, are violently attacking those through whom the virus is conveyed, resulting in hate feelings.
To this obsolete general system, transparency and integrity have no authoritative word to say yet. So much the wrong attitudes and wrong intentions darken the ways through mentalities of the past, to overcome urgently.
So here, the new coronavirus gives all its destructive evidence, to compel the whole system to change. And we, populations are part of this system.
Let us understand that this new coronavirus, aimed at the respiratory system – life foundation – is precisely informing us that we need a drastic change.
Born in China is no coincidence. Most of the chinese society still lives upon antique habits. Where a great part of the countryside population moved to the cities, for working with quite different methods from those anchored in their uses. In particular, hygiene habits are quite far from international standards. And adapting is not that simple. In the markets, trade exchanges of fresh products are made in old manner, where most of the animals are sold alive. Reason why the new coronavirus has been detected in a market. The known origin is a contamination that always comes from the same source: the bat line.
In 2003, the SARS epidemy resulted from the same conditions.
It is interesting to note that the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur has invented the first vaccine in 1885, from his studies on the rabies in sheep. But he did not know the vector-source of this disease: the bat. Already.
Because occidental medicine works only on visible effects of diseases, we lost more than one century in avoiding working on the causes and go back to the source of diseases ! It is time to do it. It is an emergency of public health! Should we change paradigm, in order to unsubscribe the world population from seasonal flus and other similar symptoms, which vaccines are worsing the immune system of people into collapse year after year. This, incidentally, gives credit to classical homepathy (not those practices distorted by fundamental rules violations), taking into account all the individual’s symptoms of his constitutional field, from the declared symptoms. Precisely, it is a medecine of information.
Why has China developed that new coronavirus in epidemy, that mainly spread into most of Far East, and then spread into the West countries ? The virus is a sign of deep change, that the whole chinese society should endorse. Under a new social and political paradigm.
Also, a virus is always very very mobile. It propagates throughout the West, first because the Earth’s rotation is still the same, and because a stranded train in Beijing will be met by the planetary movement sooner or later. Then, because we have to understand the obvious manifestation of globality of what is used daily by those who name it «information sharing», for a one and indivisible humanity... The very essence of energetic interdependence.
Let us acknowledge too, that all people who die from the coronavirus sacrifice themselves for the human unconscious collectivity, giving their lives for the advancement of the genral welfare of the world society. No matter where on the planet.
Let us ponder upon it...
Let us more say that true fresh milk, non-pasteurised (!), coming from true cows with horns and normal udders, raised with true respectful spirit of the natural laws and non-genetically modified, is an unstoppable remedy to cure respiratory symptoms.
Let us bet that this claimed change of mentality could well have effect upon the farmers and their productions, sold nowadays in cardboard boxes as white and dead liquids with no value at all.
The grandeur of Orient and their much advanced philosophies during whole millenaries that so fascinated the world, is now a little behind, while considering the new civilisation that takes place with new energies and new social approaches.
It will then have to combine into a general synthesis to appear widely, where the best of Orient and the best of the West will merge together. Then the new human civilisation will enter at once in the expected Golden Age. An era that we painfully try to prepare, with so many difficulties, so many nonsense, so many resistances, so many oppositions, due to our habits that drove our society system for so long.
sylvie touranne
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Climate Change and Environmental Problems:
the Very Great Confusion January 2020
The «Friday strikers», the grouped activists, the young and old alike who are moving around these issues, actually form huge layers of glamourous clouds across the planet. Another pollution. They unfortunately undermine any true action. And this is a pity. For, among them, are innovative individuals with creative ideas and solutions. Those are able to find the right ground to the effective changes on harmful habits.
Talks and comments of all those crowds are quite childish unfortunately. When they are not instrumentalised. Through (pseudo) scientific, economical, or governmental information. It is true that we could forgive the very young pupils their lack of discrimination. But they take ownership of the public road in anarchic ways. And this is more serious. As they do know naught of what it is about. Or so little. Quite far from the right of expression, the right of opinion, and that of gathering in groups.
So, let us be clear and let us start by so-called scientific utopias, relayed by the media in unfortunate «fake news»: struggle against the climate is not possible. To protect the climate is not possible. Lower the mean temperature is not possible. Those talks are an implausability with no scientific substantiation. For scientific measurements, statistics and resulting theories m do not take into account the the time required for realistic values.
Climate is not meteorology.
Climate is not only CO2 in the atmosphere.
Climate and planetary variations must be evaluated upon dozen of centuries, and millenaries.
Planet Earth climate has its source in the Sun evolution and its structure.
The Sun is the key to the climate cycle lived on the ground of Planet Earth.
The Sun is always the key when we speak about Life.
The Sun is always the key, when we speak about consciousness and illumination.
Those scientists who avoid the Sun datas and its actual cycle, are not in the stream of real truth.
We are now in a major threefold cycle: terrestrial, solar, galactic.
Which involves multiple changes. In all Life Kingdoms on Earth. And the basic universal law that applies is always the same: conscious advancement, rejuvenation, rebuilding can only operate after the destruction of old forms. What we are witnessing every day. Until we can adapt. The quicker the better.
What MUST CHANGE upon our planet, which plan stops at letter A, regards the environment that we modify by our acts and habits, to overcome. So then the activists are right to move. But with appropriated datas and information that suit such an engagement.
Environmental pollutions and their following disasters are the avoidable consequence of economical and industrial development of the nations. The risks involved are related to the ignorance of functionings, that must be better managed and assured.
But some have understood that they could easily use without restriction nor morality what Nature offers freely, and drain it the most possible: this is the environmental crime !
It exist internationally at all levels.
A gainful economy, so close to the big business of drugs, that reaches amounts around 200 billion dollars... Practices like wood industries (deforestation), pharma and agro-food industries, oil (continental and oceanic), bio technologic industries, waste industry. Benefits have no more limits. But above all, the actors of this criminality gather together very openly at the «must» international reunions, where hyper powers are packed to deliberate on possibilities of «raising the number of zeros» to their criminal practices and growing sales figures, regardless of the environmental impact. This is called the «Green Finance».
Environmental criminality is very mobile, for it follows the national laws, to bypass them easily. More, those organisations assign wherever possible the patenting of Nature’s products for private use. And therefore cut the access of those same products to the populations that live on the concerned territories. The well known examples are the deforestation in Indonesia (huge palm oil plantations) and Amazonia (fields of GMO soja damaging human and animal DNA), and perhaps one of the most serious, the monopolisation of thousands of water sources in a growing number of countries, to manufacture bottled waters, that let the populations without this main life resource. And we can add the «international logistics of waste», contaminated culture soils with pesticids and other chemicals, seed patents for single use, and housing land expropriation for the flourishing extraction of oil from bituminous shale gaz. All those industrial practices are supported by governments. In those conditions, environmental degradation is truly a crime, organised by economical, political, law and scientific actors.
As regarding the individuals, they are more aware of their personal impact and make efforts to change habits daily. But shouting in the street does not change anything so far. Nor blocking public transportation of people who are already aware of their environmental imprint....
The environmental international criminality (eco-crime) is a planetary open wound. A major harm with total impunity, that affects the general consciousness and creates victims everywhere. And Planet Earth rebells with its instruments: fires, storms, earthquakes.
The interdependence of those illicit activities needs the indispensable and continuous work of a supranational legal frame, concerning the massive violation of environmental laws, directly damaging human rights. The International Criminal Court (ICC) could well be more engaged, since Interpol (International Police Service) has a hunt down and detection department for those environemental mafias.
This is the major way to fight against environmental pollutions and illegal actions, to be removed worldwide.
As for the climate, it will change the main planetary water cycle, inviting us to change our habits. Because after the repeated raise of temperatures, it will drop and become cold.
So, let us target the real issues.
The key word is adaptation.
sylvie touranne
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Heat Waves and General Uncomprehension
July, 2019
To go on strike is very popular right now. Always claiming without proposals. And since a schoolgirl of 16 quit her studies to protest «against the climate warming» with her mates, since she asked for political regulations within the worldwide meetings of the greatest governments, she is indeed emulated around the world: everywhere students are just delighted to refrain from following the Friday classes, to «scold green» where they can, to lay down in the middle of the streets with banners and slogan claims, filling the atmosphere with mocking laughters, to gobble liters of energetic drinks tasting bull horns, in order to better vomit their disputing words, without taking the measure of their stupidities. For all this remains from a coherent and responsible collective inspiration so far. Instrumentalisation and manipulation stick to those who believe in that kind of committment. Unfortunately.
From heat wave into planetary warming, it seems that too few voices rise yet, in order to approach the right source of our observations.
It seems too, that scientific formatted minds, once warmed up by directed measures and short term projections, are alterated by.. intellectual heat waves. Too much is too much.
When are we finally going to understand that planetary warming is not due to human activities ? Mixing up the sources of responsibilities between planetary warming, climate change and environmental pollutions, is just a shame to the scientific community. A way to install fear into the populations, by misleading medias, that are not credible anymore. Well, of the medias, of the scientists or the politicians, who owns the trophy of the worst statements, inviting anyone to fear a little more every day ? Where there is power and huge amounts of money to grasp by taxing, then the plays get more dominant and tough.
Let us come back to the observations, that should enable everyone to enter into a reality-source that will bring us towards what has to be confirmed individually, for the global future: ADAPTATION is the key word to new existence conditions. But above all, let us say that there is no way to speak about time, which is so much relative to our life concepts.
Observation Nr. 1: human activities, as sources of environmental pollutions and degradations everywhere in the world, are but the accumulation of reversed or extreme modern technologies use in their coherence functions. We think mostly of chemistry and physics within all domains. Those activities are in process of reevaluation at large scale, with innovations as keys for correcting the wrong situations. Every citizen committment which can share such responsibility, then takes on a much broader meaning. And here the aggressive political decisions, based on a past mentality of assistanship of the colllectivities no longer prevail. The politicians should therefore take the measure of their misplaced power....and urge themselves to «do with» the citizen, instead of «for them».
Observation Nr. 2: the climate change is a continuous thread on Earth. Not based on one or two centuries of measurements and probabilities, but on duration in millenaries! The climate change has nothing to do with human activities. Nor with local climates, which are part of the meteorological field.
The change we are talking about, is part of a serie of cycles, to be considered on the global point of view within the universe, and not only related to the Earth. To mention the first quite evident is the cycle of Milankovitch (precession of equinoxes), the variations of the Sun cycle (11 years and one century, cycle of Gleissberg), within the solar system, and the latter’s position within the galaxy.
All is related with the general climate on Earth and its gravito-magnetic variations in the atmosphere, as well as the cycle of water at the surface of the planet.
All those cycles – non human – are entangled and influence each other. They work quite rightly on the model of the gear wheels of watches and clocks. Who says cycle, means return to a given point. And this given point, being conjunct to the individual advance of one, two, three gear wheels of different diameters, develops an action of manyfold energy.
This is precisely what occurs today, and for many decades to come.
And we are all living this change, to which MUST be applied one rule and only one: ADAPTATION.
Wether we like it or not. To go into the course of adaptation is not easy when we are full of habits. But are habits not there in order to change them ?
Observation Nr.3: The planetary warming. It is but a consequence of the cycles mentioned above. The recent heat waves of June and July 2019 have shown that local temperatures have been similar – and at the same time – in places usual and not. Like for example in New Dehli and Northern France, or at Koweit City and Berlin, or at Singapore and Beijing. The 0° limit overcame the altitude of 5000 m, higher than the Mont-Blanc summit. The fire element is present everywhere under all forms. It is a sign of purification for the earth. It is also a maximum peak of the Sun cycle, that will logically be followed by a minimum hollow, which observations do measure for about the period of 2030.
Again, nothing to do with the CO2 rate, human activities and other observations reduced to their minimal statistical studies. But the human needs so much to control Nature, that he would believe being able to control the solar activity ? Not at all.
The planetary warming is a key to the general change of paradigm. So, let us cease ruling an hypothetical lowing of the temperature via all the scientific reports. It is impossible. Regulation will operate by itself.
What is the meaning of all this ?
Getting out of cifers, pulling the head out of the smartphone-oven, waking up, inventing individual and collective solutions, adapting to the changes. Those three observations are but the tip of the iceberg (!) of the new global paradigm. And this time, the global will mean a living reality and no more theory.
Then only this time, we will enter into the dance, consciously, with Gaia, our partner of cosmic cohesion and evolution.
Welcome to the change of order for the new paradigm.
sylvie touranne
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The Solution to Integral Cohesion
April, 2019
Never ever since August 1945, have we met today such a situation of highly dangerous potential in the world. When the Americans sent their H-bombs over Japanese cities.
Yes, today we, citizen of the world, observe the presence of nuclear power potential action in certain minds like never before. So far, it remains underground so to speak. But the human free will of certain forces seems well aiming at action.
As it is shown in a powerful cosmic relation for one more year, we must keep in mind that those currents, even though at the level of potential, are a test for mankind. A test of wisdom. A test of victory : overcoming the fear of the inconceivable terror. Those fears which add each one to the other, in order to feed – daily – all actual sleeping minds, with opposition to the Light, and the Cohesion of Love in action.
It is a test of harmlessness and inclusivity. A test of pure democracy, when the governments listen – carefully – to the claims in the streets. Instead of partisan manipulations discussed in the huge glass wall lounges and assembly halls.
Well, we must act. Before the pathological minds decide the irreversible just for power domination. But the reality of action must be way out from street shouting. Each individual is able to connect his/her heart to the «Mighty I AM Presence», and repeat the powerful statement command, that dissolve the wrong energies in the atmospheric currents :
«I AM» calls forth the Power of Universal Light, and the Law of Life into manifestation, to clear up and scatter the violet rays over the world, for complete annihilation of the opposite forces.
With such a statement, given daily, we are going to release, enhance and strengthen the climate (!) of peace, harmony and friendly relations on the whole planet Earth. No matter where we are.
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Rebuilding Notre-Dame
Easter, 2019
Really ? Just two days to collect more than one billion euros for rebuilding the Paris cathedral. Money is flowing when built heritage is at stake. Paymasters are excited… However, when it comes to allocating important resources for deep transformations required by Mother Earth – our unique planet in cosmic motion – we (deciding makers) turn the nose up and go on by permitting polluting catastrophies at all levels. On the earth. In the seas. Questions of intentions. And benefits for a few vested interests. As usual. The general and integral interests are-not-taken-into-account. Again.
But we are mistaken, if we mean quick rebuilding only, and not integrating the fundamental comprehension of the event, within its immanence that relates everyone to its beingness. Yet, here it is question to «rebuild» the symbol of Notre-Dame. In the hearts. For this symbol has been deviated from its meaning. In order to do this, we should first appreciate the physical destruction of the heights. The wood structure, archetypal christic material has been consumed. Is coincidence doing well ? The stone foundations have remained, anchored in the ground. Head and heart are exposed and lay bare. And believers are forced to their knees. Almost beyond belief to what had been seen….
The question is why Paris, and not another spot with a cathedral Notre-Dame ? Because Paris is precisely the heart of a european Rose since the early Middle Ages. The then intention was to implant the heavens on the Earth’s ground. And install the foundations of the Holy City sent by God, the new Jerusalem from the Apocalypse, according to an astronomical plan. The builders anchored twelve gothic cathedrals on the ground of the Ile-de-France Province, after the position of the Virgo constellation in the month of August. This is the real first meaning of the cathedrals Notre-Dame. No room for coincidence. Those builders were the Templars, governed by the monk-architect Saint Bernard de Clairvaux (interesting to know that the rope that tied their cistercian habit had 12 knots at specific distance from each other, and used for measuring and calculating the constructions…)
Let us also say that if those masterpieces have been achieved, it is due to a very subtile transdisciplinary knowledge, brought back to Europe by the Templars, then in close contact with the Arab scholars. Without their great arithmetical, astronomical, numerical, harmonical sources, the majestic works would never have been a reality in the western world. True to say too that the Arabs received their knowledge from the spiritual scholars of ancient India.
The anchoring of the gothic cathedrals on the european ground – more than two hundreds – is a real gift, that we owe so much to the French Templars. They brought the sacred and universal skills for the spiritual future of humanity, of which they knew the real truth but were compelled to keep silence on it. Reason why they then were burnt at the stake by ignorance, contempt, prejudice and jealousy.
The second reason to name the cathedrals Notre-Dame ? Well, certainly not for the religious reasons given throughout times, refering to the Mother of Jesus-Christ. Notre-Dame precisely refers to Saint John in the Apocalypse saying : «Come with me and I will show you the spouse of the Lamb». Which means the indwelling of God, the holy capital of His Kingdom : the heart in all of us.
Since more than 850 years, the greatest cathedrals sent this message, which quintessence has been deviated. So, let us open wide our eyes, and observe carefully the representations of Christ in the sculptured stone are always majestic, He sits on His throne, after His Resurrection, and surrounded by the eternal Light of the Living Divine Spirit. He is never represented as child in the arms of His Mother.
Notre-Dame of Paris is, by no coincidence of the Divine Plan, the heart of this holy city mentioned by the Bible. The wood frames and the sharp arrow have been consumed in the fire of a necessary purification, to get to the hidden truth eventually. The wood of the Life tree was too much polluted by formal wrong ideas, to carry on supporting the real spiritual structure of a humanity – and not only the French nation – in seeking the truth.
That is why the whole world had manifested so much surprise and solidarity. For the whole world is concerned: by the Resurrection of Christ in the hearts, as the advent of the Holy City, on the ground of Planet Earth. Let us pray.
sylvie touranne
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The challenge of Notre-Dame April 15, 2019
The heart of Paris in on fire. Historical heart, geographical, spiritual and human. Heart of France, also eldest daughter of the Church. And what a Church ! That of all universalities and/or that of all hypocrisies. And by no coincidence, during the Holy Week. On the way of a collective crucifixion. The expected resurrection will come later on.
Nevertheless. The cathedral is on fire. Notre-Dame. Our Mother Earth has sent the fire from the heavens to the ground, and reversely. Our Beautiful Lady knows how to provide us Her signs. When it is so late, and the reversed ship (nave) has consumed all the floating wood, to sail peacefully upon the Sacred Waters of the Celestial Ocean. Swinging pendulum. The ship wrecks. Too much is too much. No more ship, no more rudder. And no more government(s).
No more sitting on the fence.
From the cathedra, which dominates the admirative world, are revealed no longer actual sermons. From the choirs bathed with polyphonic chords, the calls for prayers are not heard anymore. Just outdoors, there are noises of brewing revolt in the streets, yellowed by endless times of expectations towards this free and egalitarian friendliness, that a certain world order still refuses to admit as reality of exchanges, wether human or financial.
The symbol is strong : the quintessence of the purifying fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral is really well present. The seeing open heart which feels all the most important of Life is still negated, forgotten, veiled. Let us be confident that such an event will bring about its contribution to the change of paradigm. Beyond material appearences of this world heritage of the whole one humanity, that is not partial. Well, we cannot keep Our Mother Earth waiting any longer. It is an emergency.