• Energetic Management of the Habitat with sensitive instruments
Notion of durability and respect is our keywork.
In this context, energetics is applied to relations between environment and built domains, in the respect of universal laws, of globality and that of interdependence of flux.
In particular, atmospheric flux, forms flux (buildings), geological flux, tectonic flux, and human biologic flux.
It means adaptation to local environmental influences in and out of habitats, within a unique context (unifamiliar house) and /or more global (quarter, town, village, city,…) and respecting laws of sustainability in choices of settlements, forms of buildings, materials, «energetic cartographies» (external and internal pipe works and cables – water, gaz, electricity, telecommunications).
To this is added the notion of sacralization of the land, earth ground and place.
Sensitive measurments from the GeoBioPhysics domain should influence on decisions.
Expertises of «raw» lands (to be built), of cultivable lands, of built lands, of properties where transformations are planed, are done by our consultants.
Energetic expertises and assessements of environmental pollutions (electrosmog, building materials and d'aménagements intérieures) are realised on demand, in order to re-harmonize the places and houses, and treat the related health problems.
Know that numerous health problems are related to the buildings (private and public) in which we spend more than half of our existence.
The validity of our expertises has been acknowledged by many municipalities, on specific buildings and in quarters' zones.
If you are interested to know more, please conact us.
• To the attention of practitioners in classical geobiology:
Since a couple of years, the very notion of geobiology has been modified, recuperated by some for another field of applications.
This kind of «american geobiology» is put to disposal of students in some universities, where they principally work upon animal biology – bacteries, viruses and nano-influences within the Earth.
In this domain, the human being has no place.
It has no more to do with human biology related to the Earth movements and materials, centered around magnetism.
«American geobiology» is unknown in Europe.
While taking some distance from this kind of deviating from the original subject, and to adapt ourselves to the new energetic realities that are taking place right now and for the future, thanks to the vibratory elevation of Planet Earth, we have proposals of lectures, workshops and teachings in this field that we dare now call GEOBIOPHYSICS.
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Both words represent the same domain.
Vâastu is the sanskrit meaning of energetic management of landscape interacting with the built domain related to the movement of flux and the rate of vitality of places.
Feng-shui is the chinese meaning of the above mentioned field.
We offer to use it with their real meaning, when global considerations of landplanning are used, as well as building new habitat.
It is of no means the commercial and reducting version of this old science.
Sacred Geography
It enables to read geographical and cosmical datas of the History of Civilizations.
It is the domain of «unrandom» Spirit, settled on Planet Earth, as well as experience of the sacred places.
Let us use sacred geography in order to create harmony of future places, instead of cementing without discrimination….
Sylvie Touranne teaches Sacred Geography in Architecture Academies, gives lectures about astro-archeology, in order to better understand how the Ancients used to choose the places and worked out their plans for constructing temples and other sacred buildings.
She leads guided tours of particularly interesting places and organises rituals of energetic re-harmonization of devasted places during the last milleniums.
She organises connected rituals, planetary and cosmic, according to events in the worlds.
Let us use sacred geography, to create harmony of futur places, instead of adding concrete without discrimination where not necessary...
Sacred geography is a tool of landplanning for the cities !
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«[Orientations and the general line of urban development] shall avoid any impact from personal opinions and particular interests,
and install more the sacred law of the city.»
Gustavo Giovannoni in Landplanning facing old cities
• Bio-urban planning takes into account the whole critera of the Alive within a city, in order to become sustainable, livable, pleasant, friendly. And may welcome all citizen with their particularities, all districts of residential housing environments, as well as economic and commercial exchanges, in a brotherly inclusive intelligence and friendliness.
This is not the case nowadays, for separativities, partisan political constraints, the protectionist fences, concreted wasting of the territory due to economic expansion, badly managed by the bad chumminess, and other tendencies governed by financial investments with total disrespect for the common good, so, for all those elements and others, too many disparities cause the immense urban pollutions where violence reign, poverty, dirt, noise, foul air, so to speak about visible elements. But the psychic atmosphere, invisible, is an important part of the pollution too. The only way to permanently clean a city which attempts to work in a sustainable manner is to correctly place Nature within the urban environment.
• In bio-urban planning, the concept of health-city, of «Gaïa-citizenship»proposed at the UN Sumit on Habitat (Istanbul 1996) is a part of our initiative.
The human being is part of an open system within the environment, Gaia (planet Earth’s consciousness), who herself is part of a greater open system.
Those open systems work as a set of vital energies (bioenergy) in interactive informational networks which depend on each other, involving the citizen responsibility of their management within the global environment.
We work in the field of bio-urban planning through :
• energetic expertises for territories before building
• expertises of districts before transformations and «eco-areas» with interdependent creative cooperation
• siting and feasibility studies of «green/blue spaces» within the city (if possible with permaculture means).
• judicious use of the regulating climatic materials (example : the use of glass and metall for big urban buildings raises the temperature of 2 to 5 degrees locally ! Then the necessity to ventilate artificially must go together with those choices, quite far from an effective global sustainabiliy).
Energetics in this context applies to the management of flux and their interdependence according the universal laws of Nature, and linked with history of the settlement places. Here are considered: • atmospheric flux, • flux created by forms, • geologic flux, • tectonic flux, • flux created by the quarters’ organisation in a town, • flux of traffic, roads and streets, • human flux. To this is added the notion of sacralization of the land, earth ground and place.
More, the notion of life within the city is essential to apply sustainability to it.
To succeed, natural volumes (free spaces – green and blue) should be taken into account in relation to artificial volumes (built spaces), by admitting the necessity of their equilibrium in the urban management.