Integral Life Coaching is a global approach of the human being at all levels: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. It uses the principles of Radiopsychology and Ontotherapy (see below).
• Integral Life Coaching is: • helps to know oneself better, in order to help manage better the whole life situations. • enables transforming wrong habits at all levels of behaviours. • is an approach similar to Ho'ponopono (antique hawaian method for solutions to human conflicts) • is a domain of the new psychology – Radiopsychology – following, among others, the works of C.G.Jung who stated that individual experience is needed before counselling.
The individual planetary astrosynthetic configuration establishes the basic profile, and then work out the programmes of adaptation, of transformation, resilience and release.
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Definition: Accompanying, support and follow up of restrained and blocked emotional and mental problematics with the help of the horse's energy. The horse* becomes the energetic therapist and unblocks the «knots» and distorsions of the human being’s reality.
For pathologies such as cancer, AIDS, border line, obsessions, toxicomanies, psychosis, nevrosis, manias,…
Also, for anyone in difficulty of communication, in serach of beingness, in quest of spiritualisation, (see under Life Coaching). Rest is indicated after every session, in order to enable the interiorised assimilation of experienced transformations.
As approaching a horse can be difficult and fearful, the first sessions are worked out at some distance (10 m.), and include cleansing of the animal at the end.
(In the book Radiopsychologie I : Le biochamp, Sylvie K. Touranne, Editions Ambre 2008, chapter Biochamp et cheval, explanations and examples about hippo-energetics can be found.
Unfortunately the book is not yet published in English. Any proposal of publishing is welcome).
* After such sessions, the horse needs rest and healing. There is no question to bring him back immediately into the box. Time and space are given to the horse, in order to allow him regeneration and own life habit with his group.
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Accompanying and follow up of restrained and blocked emotional and mental problematics.
Sessions of energetic resonances (determined in advance, according to the state of blocks), through specific movements executed in thermal water (32-36°C).
Duration : 30 minutes in a «lying down» position in water.
Then dissolution in water of the energetic blocks after aware realization.
Rest is indicated after every session, in order to enable the assimilation of experienced transformations.
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Ontotherapy is the therapy of beingness related to ones’ experience of the superior planes focused on Eternal Light.
• It is a new approach using energetic Astrosynthesis as truth instrument, according to indications of the Masters of Wisdom.
• It aims at the very Light of God within, through a better comprehension of actions and reactions, causes and effects, conscience and unconscience of daily habits. As potentials of transformation towards committments to the greater number, to the glory of the One Whom we cannot name.
• Ontotherapy aims at overcoming all form of psychic suffering or/and energetic. For the approach of Truth and Reality throughout Subjectivity need purity of intention and purity of attitude through a crystal-clear mental instrument, exempted from critics, from contrary thought and obsessive analysis.
It is therefore a life path involving good will and will-to-good.
• Ontotherapy is open to all whose heart shall open to right and tolerant relation, permeated with real brother/sisterhood within the society.
To help the enhancement of the soul light release, spiritual energetic healing according to Master E.K. is also suggested.